It includes antepartum (before the birth of the baby) intrapartum (during the birth of the baby) and postpartum (after the birth of the baby) care of the female. Antepartum care includes regular body check-ups, blood reports, sonography, vaccinations, counseling, education, and support to ensure an uneventful pregnancy. It also helps to identify mothers who are at higher risk of getting pregnancy complications. It is advisable to visit your doctor every four weeks for the first seven months, then every two weeks in the eighth month, and every week in the last month of your pregnancy. Antepartum screening includes the following:

  1. Screening for anemia
  2. Screening for diabetes
  3. Screening for sickle cell anemia / thalassemia
  4. Screening of baby for chromosomal abnormalities etc.

Your screening may vary according to your condition. Intrapartum care includes monitoring of baby and mother during the process of birth. With this monitoring, we can identify the complications early and take necessary action to prevent them. Postpartum care includes regular checkups till six weeks after delivery as during these six weeks all the systems of the body get back to their normal (pre-pregnancy) state.